Sunday, September 28, 2008

Little Earthquakes by Jennifer Weiner

Yes, I found another book by Jennifer Weiner, when I like an author, I go all out. This one centers around something I know a lot about, becoming a mother and all that goes with it. Begining at the end of 3 pregnancies where a chance friendship bonds 3 women together and ending when the oldest baby is about 10 months old, this story had enough twists and turns to keep me going. Each woman deals with different challenges and circumstances in their lives. I love how she brings in all the hot mommy-debates and how we deal with them. Which book's advice to follow, the challenges and joys of breastfeeding, the joys of bedsharing with your baby, the reality of family relationships, the fatigue and feeling like you need to be everyhing to everyone...She got it bang on. Excellent work, great read.

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