Monday, October 19, 2009

It's Monday

Today I am almost finished "Learning Curves - a novel of sex, suits and business affairs" by Gemma Townley. I have a stack of books waiting to be delved into all crying "pick me! pick me!" that grew while I was stuck on one book a couple of weeks back. I haven't yet decided which the next read will be.


Jennifer said...

I am certain your next book choice will be perfect. :)

Marie said...

I am always torn when trying to decide on the next book out of a pile of waiting books -- decisions, decisions -- but it's also a nice feeling to know they are there waiting to be read :-)

Allison said...

I often feel the same way. I have so many books to choose from, yet have no idea what I SHOULD read next. So hard to pick sometimes!

Anonymous said...

I've only read one Gemma Townley book, and it was okay. How are you liking Learning Curves?

Here's my Monday Round Up.

Anonymous said...

How do you decide when there are so many? That's a huge problem of mine!