Monday, October 26, 2009

It's Not About Me by Max Lucado

It's been a while since I've read any of Max Lucado's books. I don't know why really. I enjoy him so much when I read them. His books are based on his own sermon series and bible teachings. I think the reason this one jumped out at me was because of some of my own personal struggles in my walk with Jesus. I often do make my life about me and my actions about me rather than reflecting the me I want to be which is more like the life Christ led and taught us about.
I found this book very helpful in rejuvenating my own personal bible study and prayer life. I also used part of it as an inspiration for a bible study night that I led last week.
I would recommend Lucado to anyone searching for gentle Christian teaching, or someone who is searching for answers and direction.


Tracie Yule said...

I've been a big fan of Lucado's books for children. I love the images and the simplicity of the tales.

AngelaMae said...

I am a huge Lucado fan and that book in particular re-focused my faith from myself to my Saviour. I would also recommend it!