Monday, August 25, 2008

Chasing Harry Winston by Lauren Weisberger

Now that's more like it. After the disappointing reading of Soapsuds (yet another lesson to never judge a book by its cover), Chasing Harry Winston came in for me at the library. Lauren Weisberger is chick lit at it's newest and finest. This is her third literary foray and highly enjoyable read.
As I was reading I was thinking of all the contrasts to Soapsuds. This book also looked at the year in the life of...(in this case 3 best friends living in New York), but it also had plot (an interesting one at that) and character development. I know, just 2 little things that can make all the difference in a book. Sure, the book will be dated 10 years down the road, but, it will still be enjoyable because it is well written.
The story follows 3 friends who are at some kind of a cross roads in their lives. They are all nearing the dreaded age of 30, with no kids and no husbands in tow. Emmy's boyfriend of 5 years has just left her for a younger model, Leigh's life seems perfect, but she is dissatisfied and can't quite pin point it, and Adriana is wondering if there is more than just a string of flings. Emmy and Adriana place a resolution bet to do something in complete contrast to their usual over the next year and Leigh is along for the ride. Once again, Weisberger delivers with believable, relatable characters with a fun story. Much restoring my faith that yes, there are books that I haven't read yet that I will enjoy.

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