Sunday, June 21, 2009

For Better, For Worse by Carole Matthews

Welcome to fantasy love story 101. This book has everything in it you can imagine in an imaginary life. That's exactly how I felt reading this book. The situations are highly unlikely and highly unrealistic and quite possibly could have make a nice afternoon chick flick instead of a book. It's all in the name of good fun right?
The premise revolves around an English girl on her way to New York to stand up for her American cousin at her wedding. Our lead has just signed her own divorce papers (her husband having left her for a newer model). The cast includes the so-called ex, who may or may not be wanting her around. The handsome near-perfect stranger she sits next to on the plane. Her cousin. And her cousin's not quite what she expected fiance. If you are looking for a rainy Saturday light read then by all means, grab a spot on the couch with a mug of cocoa to keep you entertained.

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